Natural playground remodeling

Natural playground remodeling

The study concerns the configuration of the existing playground that is surrounded by Louki Akrita, Makedonias and Evripidou streets, in the Municipal Unit of Filothei, in the Municipality of Filothei-Psychiko. Occupies the central part of a wider common area of ​​the Municipality. The space occupied by the playground has an area of ​​about 5000 sqm, belongs to the third category of playground larger than 800sqm. According to the proposal, a model "natural playground" will be constructed, which will be addressed to the entire wider area of ​​Filothei and which will integrate the ages from 1 to 14 years, providing them with various possibilities for the development of skills and activities. The size of the space was one of the determining factors that determined the directions of the proposal. This is the largest playground area, of the three existing areas of Filothei, which is addressed to all residents of the area. The continuation of the playground area with the linear green park on Louki Akrita Street, which is characterized by high vegetation, was considered very important. The existing natural relief was an ideal background for the creation of a modern playground. The use of natural elements in a controlled way that allows children to experience the seasons and weather conditions, the winding paths, the elevation differences of the terrain, the rich planting and the network of paths gave the directions of the future design of the playground. The desire of the municipal authority to create an educational play area that follows the European standards in terms of design, the educational value of the playing instruments and the activities, the quality of the construction and the materials also contributed to the above.

Client : Municipality of Filothei-Psychico
Location : park on Macedonia Street, Filothei
Design : 2013
Construction : 2019
Study stage : Final study, Implementation study
Design team : Manolis Votsis, Philippos Gerontakis, Dimitra Bouga, Antonis Krasas