Configuration of an existing playground
Configuration of an existing playground
The playground is part of a wider free space. To the southeast lies a park with large trees and rich shade. To the west it borders a pedestrian street and then there is a large car park. It is an almost rectangular space of general dimensions 19.50x34.50 m. And an area of approximately 660 m2. The north and part of the east side are bordered by apartment buildings. In the areas bordering the apartment buildings, a flower bed with shrubs and climbing plants has been implemented internally. The other sides of the space are free, in these areas there are large deciduous trees with rich shade outside the fence. The trees along the west sidewalk are mainly due to evergreen (pine cones). The redesign of the space aims to create a play area that will appeal to the first two age groups of children. Of the three entrances, only the central one, located at the southwestern end of the space, on the sidewalk, has been preserved. The two auxiliaries were sealed. A central track has been set up that directly accesses all play areas. All dugouts are filled with special granulation pebbles according to the specifications. At the entrance of the space and in the middle of the eastern border, curved concrete seats are made.
Client : Municipality of Athens
Location : park on Iakovaton Street, Patissia
Design : 2018
Construction : 2019
Design team : Manolis Votsis, Antonis Krasas