Aesthetic and functional upgrade of the 17th Gymnasium, Lyceum of the Municipality of Athens

Aesthetic and functional upgrade of the 17th Gymnasium, Lyceum of the Municipality of Athens

As part of the sponsorship program "The school you want", managed by the Partnership Team on behalf of Coca-Cola Hellenic, we studied and supervised the aesthetic and functional upgrade of the existing building which houses the 17th High School of the Municipality of Athens.
The school is located in the Mets area and is part of the building complex to which the 13th Elementary School as well as the 10th and 11th Kindergarten belong, but which are independent functional units with separate entrances and courtyards. The whole school complex is built on a plot with a steep slope. The steep slope enabled the development of schools at different levels with separate yards. The building presented a series of problems which arose from its incomplete maintenance and from the new operational requirements that had arisen from the original construction.
The purpose of the study was the pedagogical redesign of the school space. On the one hand to address the construction and operational problems of the building and on the other hand to upgrade the educational and pedagogical value of the school environment. The interior with the exterior are connected through the intermediate common areas which, in addition to transit areas, become areas of educational and social interest. The aim was to utilize the available common, courtyard and outdoor space in the best possible way to create a safe environment that provides high pedagogical quality, to meet the modern social needs of children and adolescents and to create small centers of parallel activities.

Client : Municipality of Athens
Location : Metz, Athens
Design : 2015
Construction : 2015
Design team : Manolis Votsis, Philippos Gerontakis, Dimitra Bouga, Antonis Krasas
Stencil graphics: Kiki Grevia

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